Sound Therapy

There are 3 functions to the ear

  1. Balance – The vestibular system is a part of the inner ear, which informs the brain of the slightest body movement, and therefore intervenes in the control of posture and the maintenance of balance – our vestibular system. The vestibular system is a core integrator to the entire central nervous system
  2. Revitalization or Cortical Charge – Stimulation through the ear acts as a natural energy charge to the entire cortex. High frequency energy creates arousal and readiness to learn. Low frequency energy impacts on the ability to calm in a sustained way so the mind and body can be at rest
  3. Listening – When this function is disrupted, difficulties in analysis, accommodation, spatialization or auditory lateralization are caused. The person experiences an influx of information, but perceives it in a distorted manner affecting comprehension, as well as impacting verbal expression. This can cause different behaviors to occur including fatigue, irritability, fight and flight, withdrawal and shut-down

The Tomatis Method is delivered through an electronic ear, a device that modifies music in a way that is stimulating to both sympathetic arousal as well as parasympathetic inhibition to eventually impact on the discrimination of different central nervous system pathways. It is an intricate program that requires much training and knowledge in development and human behavior. Maude Le Roux is an international trainer for TDSA (since 2009), the official home of the Tomatis Method in Paris.

At ATA, we have a center-based program that is completed in combination with Occupational Therapy, as well as a number of devices that can deliver the program in the home environment.

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